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Jumat, 15 September 2017

The type of Symptoms, Lung in dogs: symptoms, causes and treatment

The type of Symptoms, Lung in dogs: symptoms, causes and treatment

The type of Symptoms, Lung in dogs
The type of Symptoms, Lung in dogs

The lungs in dogs is a condition where the air that accumulate in the respiratory tract, making it difficult to breathe. This buildup of air is often caused by other chronic respiratory diseases and lead to dogs that have difficulty expelling air from the lungs. There are two main forms of the lungs in dogs. Alveolar emphysema occurs when the alveoli, or air sacs in the lungs of a dog, be permanently enlarged. Interstitial emphysema occurs when air collects in the connective tissue of the lungs. Their symptoms and causes both types may be similar, and your veterinarian will determine the best course of treatment if your dog was diagnosed with emphysema. Here's what you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for Lung in dogs.

Common types of lung Symptoms in dogs:

Common types of lung Symptoms in dogs
Some dogs that the lungs may show no symptoms at first, and when they occur, they may appear or disappear suddenly. The type of symptoms you see in your dog can vary depending on the organ or tissue that is affected by the pressure of a build-up of air in the respiratory tract. Here are some common symptoms that you can see the dogs in the lungs.

1. Difficulty breathing or increased respiratory rate
2. Cough
3. Intolerance to exercise
4. Increased heart rate
5. Loss of appetite and weight loss
6. Sluggishness
7. The weaknesses

The kind cause of lung in dogs:

The kind cause of lung in dogs
There are many possible causes of lung in dogs. In humans, the main cause of emphysema is exposure to airborne irritants such as cigarette smoke and air pollution. In dogs, however, emphysema usually results from a lung condition to another, are the things that often result in lesions that allow air to enter into the alveoli, but prevents it from being released. Here are some possible causes of lung in dogs.

1. Lung inflammatory disease like chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
2. Cancer
3. Lung parasite
4. skin or internal Injuries that lets air move to the network because of muscle movement
5. respiratory tract Injuries that cause boils or wounds
6. congenital bronchial Hypoplasia, a condition that is present at birth in which airways are not developed, especially in Bernard dog

This type of treatment for the Lung in dogs:

This type of treatment for the Lung in dogs
The goal of treatment for the Lung in dogs is to restore normal breathing function and reduce the symptoms of any kind. In cases where a dog in trouble due to severe conditions, they may need to be hospitalized and put in cages oxygen or given oxygen through a mask or nasal catheter.

If airway abstructed, a veterinarian can give you bronchodilator dog, which is an anti-inflammatory drug that opens the channel. You may have seen this being used by patients with asthma inhalers. If symptoms do not improve, a veterinarian surgical thoracostomy tube place probably to the chest of the dog, which provides air and removing accumulated are siphoned off. Lung tissue that is damaged may need to be surgically removed. Most dogs recover well from the surgery.

During recovery, dogs need a break. Your veterinarian can recommend the whole enclosure so that the dog is restricted from physical activity. Some dog owners manage the symptoms of their pets without surgery, although dogs do not have the operation often suffer chronic respiratory problems. If your dog is being treated for lung, follow your vet's instructions carefully so that your dog can recover safely.

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Related : The type of Symptoms, Lung in dogs: symptoms, causes and treatment

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